About me
Hey, thanks for visiting my website. I'm Eduardo, a Software Engineer. In this website I publish my latest articles and the projects I created over the years.
I studied Software Engineering at the University of Vigo and learned to code because I wanted to build things. I love to create new projects and tools and get all the things working. Just like a LEGO toy, I see code as the blocks which allow me to create new things. I really enjoy when I automate something and starts working, removing work load from me or from the people I work with.
I'm actually working for Horse & Country as a senior lead developer. H&C can be described as the Netflix of horses. I'm actively writing at Neoguias, maintaining several projects and managing Kenodo.
Among my current interests are also BlockChain development and Live Streaming.
These are my latest articles

Welcome stranger, you can find below my latest tutorials and thoughts
April 10, 2024 neoguiasTutorial de Patrones de Diseño en PHP
April 06, 2024 neoguiasCómo usar la Caché en Laravel
April 04, 2024 neoguiasTutorial de introducción a Docker
March 06, 2024 neoguiasTutorial de Introducción a la Blockchain
February 12, 2024 neoguiasCómo instalar y configurar Memcached en Debian
January 11, 2024 neoguiasCómo conectarte a una base de datos MySQL con HeidiSQL mediante un túnel SSH
January 07, 2024 neoguiasCómo configurar ESLint y Prettier con VS Code
November 04, 2023 neoguiasCómo monitorizar las colas de Laravel con PM2
October 10, 2023 neoguiasCómo instalar PHP_CodeSniffer
October 08, 2023 neoguiasCómo saltar al final de un archivo en Nano
October 07, 2023 neoguiasCómo instalar WP-CLI en Windows
September 17, 2023 neoguiasCómo eliminar archivos de un repositorio de Git
These are my latest projects

Hey there again stranger, I see you have an eye for things, so here are my latest side projects
April 01, 2024 Personal Active
Job Hunt Manager
An app to manage job applications, interviews, assessments, assignments, contacts and more. Created with Laravel/Livewire and Tailwind.
Show moreAn app to manage job applications, interviews, assessments, assignments, contacts and more. Created with Laravel/Livewire and Tailwind.
August 24, 2022 Personal Active
Edu Lazaro
This is my personal website and the site you are watching, created with Laravel and static Markdown files. It all started with this tutorial I made when I was on... Show more
This is my personal website and the site you are watching, created with Laravel and static Markdown files. It all started with this tutorial I made when I was on holiday. I created to show how to use Markdown with Laravel, and after some struggling about the site design I ended up with this website.
To be honest I never wanted to have a website for myself, but it was a good chance to design again a website with a dark colour scheme.
March 10, 2022 Partnership Active
The most complete publication in spanish about coffee and its related lifestyle. Cafeguias is the main source of information about coffe, including information about its history, its varieties, its culture or... Show more
The most complete publication in spanish about coffee and its related lifestyle. Cafeguias is the main source of information about coffe, including information about its history, its varieties, its culture or its preparation, as well as guides and tutorials about the best way to prepare and savor it.
This project would not be possible without Qualery, a referent in specialty coffee, and Alvaro Factor.